Quality Assurance Processes and Schedule at 天美传媒

It is important to us, as a Trust, to ensure that there is efficacy, clear systems, accountability and processes to support continual improvement for all of our settings.

The main principles to Trust Improvement are:

  • Vision, values and strategy- we ensure that these are features of the work we do and regularly articulated
  • Capacity- we are continually talent spotting and increasing the capacity within the Central School Development team
  • Collective Commitment- whilst we recognise the individuality of all our settings, we strive to ensure that we all support and challenge each other
  • Robust Data- our knowledge is based on real time, reliable and robust data- we ensure that Academy Development is shared, thereby ensuring that assumptions are not from one source alone
  • Processes- we set clear time frames and expectations for all our leaders, at whatever level they work, to ensure regular, timely and reliable monitoring takes place
  • To celebrate and promote innovation, and share best practice across the breadth of our schools

We intend to:

  • Provide ethical leadership
  • Ensure that all monitoring is based on our vision and values
  • Establish effective efficacy
  • Support systems leadership
  • Monitor, support, challenge and where needed, intervene
  • Provide scalable collective Academy improvement

We aim to implement this by:

  • Ensuring that monitoring is provided by internal and external partners
  • Continue to develop a collaborative culture
  • Manage resources strategically
  • Have diarised, clear processes in place for monitoring
  • Ensuring data is real time, intelligent and informed

The impact of this will:

  • Ensure that we provide a quality service
  • Ensure that there is a continued improvement agenda
  • Further develop collective ownership and partner working
  • Allow for continuous talent spotting to take place
  • Inform Trust CPD needs
  • Ensure equity and efficiency
  • Support positive outcomes for all of our pupils

Mechanisms may include:

  • Internal monitoring
  • External monitoring
  • Dashboard meetings
  • Peer-to-peer evaluation meetings
  • Pupil progress meetings
  • Subject monitoring and audits
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Observations/ learning works/ book and marking scrutiny
  • Safeguarding audits
  • Stakeholder questionnaires
  • Monitoring Hub meetings and Board meetings
  • Class Based Pupil Assessment
  • Monitoring Hub Visits
  • DfE Educational Expert Visits
  • External pupil based assessments

Our quality assurance focuses on a variety of pertinent areas and includes:

  • Staff Wellbeing
  • Parent and pupil voice
  • Management of systems
  • Compliance
  • Learning, Teaching and the curriculum
  • Safeguarding
  • Data
  • Behaviour
  • Compliance

The framework is accompanied by further monitoring by the Local Authority, Monitoring Hubs, Board of Trustees and Ofsted.


Quality Assurance
