With every single member of staff at 天美传媒 Trust committed to providing the highest quality education for all our pupils, we are very proud to be taking part in this year鈥檚 National Thank a Teacher Day event on Thursday, 26 May.

On Thank A Teacher Day schools, academies, teachers, support staff, children and families from across the country come together to pay tribute to members of staff that makes our schools and academies so special.


We have been providing an Alternative Provision service in Cornwall since 1st June 2013, initially as Acorn Academy Cornwall following the academisation of the PRUs, and as 天美传媒 Trust from 1st June 2018. 

Our 334 members of staff provide education for pupils across the whole of Cornwall and Devon who are excluded from school or who are not in school for medical reasons. We currently have six Alternative Provision Academies based in Cornwall and four Alternative Provision Academies in Devon. 

We also provide the Community and Hospital Education Service (CHES) & Torlands, based across three centres in Devon and Cornwall, as well as education services for children and young people staying at Sowenna, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust鈥檚 child and adolescent mental health unit in Bodmin.

鈥淓very single member of the 天美传媒 team works very hard to ensure that we are providing the highest quality education for all our pupils鈥 said 天美传媒 CEO Rob Gasson.  鈥淲e are determined to do 鈥榳hatever it takes鈥 to improve outcomes for our pupils and change their lives for the better鈥.

Led by The Teaching Awards Trust, the aim of the annual Thank A Teacher campaign is to enable children and their families to thank the staff at the heart of their communities, who provide stability in uncertain times, who help make sense of the outside world for them and their children, and who give a sense of belonging.

鈥淥ur academies are the beating heart of our communitiessaid Rob Gasson.  鈥淭hey are so much more than places where children are educated鈥.


We know that in times of crisis communities turn to schools for support.  Over the last two years, we have seen what special places our academies are and how much they deserve to be celebrated.  Everyone at 天美传媒 worked hard to support our pupils and their families during the pandemic, with staff going the extra mile to provide reassurance during uncertain times through to offering wider support to families who need it most鈥. 


鈥淚 am incredibly grateful to all our staff for their hard work and commitment and it is great to see this campaign encouraging people to join together in celebrating the legacy that teachers and schools bring to them and to say Thank You鈥.


Michael Morpurgo, celebrated author and former Children鈥檚 Laureate, and President of the Teaching Awards Trust, said:  鈥For so many of us, it was someone at school who changed our lives, was at our side through hard and difficult times, who lifted us up when we were down, helped us find our voice, gave us confidence when we needed it most, set us on a path that we have followed ever since鈥.


鈥淣o matter who we are, school has touched our lives and played a central role in our childhoods. School is about so much more than learning, and we see that now more than ever before. Schools really are the beating heart of our communities. Every person that cares for our children in schools should be celebrated loud and clear on Thank A Teacher Day 2022鈥.

Mary Palmer, CEO of The Teaching Awards Trust, said: 鈥We continue to receive thank you messages for all those special people who work in our schools, and we know how much these mean to every single one of them. It鈥檚 wonderful to see so much support for our tremendous school staff across the country. They deserve every Thank You they receive and so much more, and I鈥檇 encourage everyone to join us in celebrating how special our schools really are on Thursday 26 May鈥.


鈥淲e can鈥檛 wait to see all the brilliant Thank You videos, pictures, songs and poems come flooding in鈥.

For more information, please visit



Notes to editors

National Thank A Teacher Day is annual celebration of our schools, colleges, teachers and support staff across the country. The Thank a Teacher Campaign is run by The Teaching Awards Trust, which was established in 1998 by Lord David Puttnam CBE, to celebrate and recognise excellence in education.  The Thank a Teacher campaign is supported by the Department for Education and Education Scotland.