Welcome to 天美传媒 MAT

天美传媒 Multi Academy Trust (MAT) comprises of nine regional alternative provision academies, two medical academies in Devon and Cornwall, a special academy in Devon for pupils with social communication and interaction needs.

We provide support to enable pupils to reintegrate into mainstream or special schools; or in the last four terms of compulsory education, integration into the world of work or further education.

A Message From Our CEO

We strive to support our students to develop into confident, happy, successful young adults who have empathy towards and an understanding of those less fortunate than themselves.

At 天美传媒 Multi Academy Trust we actively promote positive, inclusive values. These include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We believe British values are those values expected of anyone living in Britain, regardless of their nationality, culture or religious belief.

Robert Gasson 
CEO 天美传媒 Multi Academy Trust